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Base Material Calculations

Base Material Calculations

The following formula is used to calculate amount of base material (Crushed Gravel):

Step 1:  Length x Width = Area  (in square feet)

Step 2:  Convert to Cubic Footage.  Ex. 6 inches = divide by 2; 4 inches = divide by 3.

1" = 12;  2" = 6;  3" = 4;  4" = 3.  This equals Cubic Footage.  27 Cubic Feet per yard is the total number of yards needed.



























When figuring compactible material, round up to compensate for settling and compaction

For large areas multiply L x W = Sq. Ft.

Convert to Cubic Feet

Divide by 27 CF per yard = Yardage Needed

*REMEMBER - These Estimating Tools are meant to assist in ESTIMATING.  An Estimate is not an exact amount.  Actual volume may vary due to type of materials, moisture content, amd compaction. We will not be held responsible in any way for product overage or shortage.

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